Nr. 40 (285), 13-10-2017
Weekly Bulletin
ISSN 1314-5339



Exports to non-EU countries in the January-August period jumped by nearly 17%

Between January and August 2017, Bulgaria's exports to non-EU countries increased by almost 17% (16.8%) compared to the same period of the previous 2016. Thus, our export to this group of countries reached values ​​of almost BGN 11.7 billion (11 693.7 million). This is the preliminary data provided by the National Statistical Institute (NSI). 

Bulgaria's main trading partners were Turkey, Russia, China, Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia and Egypt. These six countries accounted  for 51.6% of the exports to third countries.

In August 2017, Bulgaria's exports to third countries grew by 3.3% compared to the same month of the previous year and amounted to BGN 1 389.2 billion.

For Bulgaria's exports to third countries in the eight months, the largest growth was registered in the "Products classified chiefly by type of material" (50.7%) and "Various finished products" 1 (34.7%). A decline was observed in the "Food and live animals" sector (9.4%).


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Exports to non-EU countries in the January-August period jumped by nearly 17%
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