In November 2024, the total production index in services of the business economy decreased by 1.1% compared to the previous month, show National Statistical Institute preliminary data published on 6 February. Compared to same month the previous year, an increase of 3.2% was registered in the calendar-adjusted index.
Monthly Changes
A decline, compared to the previous month, was reported in the following sectors: Real estate activities - by 9.3%, Transportation and storage - by 3.2% and Information and communication - by 2.6%.
An increase was seen in three sectors: Administrative and support service activities - by 9.4%, Accommodation and food service activities - by 0.8% and Professional, scientific and technical activities - by 0.4%.
Annual Changes
On an annual basis, a rise was observed in the following sectors: Professional, scientific and technical activities - by 10.8%, Information and communication - by 8.0%, Accommodation and food service activities - by 3.6% and Transportation and storage - by 2.5%.
A decrease was reported in the following sectors: Real estate activities - by 20.4% and Administrative and support service activities - by 2.5%.