The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted another meeting with its partners from Italy. Organized with the assistance and operative participation of the head of the Office of Commercial and Economic Affairs of the R Bulgaria in Milan
Andriyana Koleva, the meeting had the aim to introduce Italian companies to the possibilities to invest in Bulgaria in the sectors of energy, information technology, ecology, etc.
Tsvetan Simeonov, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the visitors discussed business ideas and investment opportunities in Bulgaria. He pointed out that the Chamber and the Office of Commercial and Economic Affairs have always had excellent cooperation crowned with good results and the hopes are that these relations will get even stronger - both in the field of investments and in the various Bulgarian-Italian joint activities.
The representatives of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises from Sicily put forward their business intentions in Bulgaria. Emphasis was placed on the energy sector - electricity production, recycling of the relevant equipment, etc.
The meeting was also attended by Vladimir Tomov, Chairman of the Investment Council at BCCI. He acquainted the audience with the possibilities of using funds and financing for future investments in our country and with the potential of the members of the Investment Council - investment funds, banks and other financial institutions and organizations, private investors.