
Delegation from BCCI and its Partners Went to Two-Week Training Programme in China

A representative delegation of 25 managers and experts from regional Chambers of Commerce, sectoral organisations, member companies, which have authorised BCCI to represent their interests, as well as representatives of partner organisations of the Chamber, left for two weeks' training in the towns of Fuzhou, Xiamen and Beijing in China.

Some of the topics, included in the training, are as follows: presentation of the current economic situation in China, overview of the trade and economic relationships between Bulgaria and China, strategies for internationalisation and globalisation of companies, strategies for international business negotiations, etc. Emphasis will also be put on the topics of 5G technologies, green energy and electric vehicles, among others.

The delegation will visit the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) in the town of Xiamen, which is held in the period 8-11 September and focuses on different financial instruments, prestigious financial reports, international investments, opportunities for cooperation, etc.

BCCI organises such training for the third time and the aim is to generate ideas to promote bilateral economic cooperation, opportunities for closer interaction at company level, as well as exchange of experience with related organisations. This year's seminar coincides with the 75th anniversary of establishing the diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and China and has been upgraded with more events and participants from Bulgaria.

Next week anticipates also the travel of a delegation of representatives from BCCI partner institutions to join the group, as well as the organisation of a joint event together with the Bulgarian Embassy in the Chinese capital.

The Chamber will further inform its partners and members about any details on the topics under consideration during the training.