
Representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited the BCCI

Representatives of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Ankara, accredited to Bulgaria, visited the BCCI. Avazbek Khodjimetov - Counselor for Political Affairs, Dilrukh Temiraliev - Second Secretary for Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation and Abdumalik To'ychiboyev – education attaché, discussed with the President of the Chamber Tsvetan Simeonov the possibilities for the development of bilateral cooperation.

Avazbek Khodjimetov briefed the participants in the meeting on the economic situation in Uzbekistan and the banking and financial sector liberalization in the country. Further, he outlined the main free economic zones in Uzbekistan  and emphasized on the possibility of Bulgaria becoming a logistic hub for Uzbek goods to the European market.

Tsvetan Simeonov presented the activities of the Chamber, the regional chambers system and the database of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He commented on the economic situation in the country and underlined that Uzbekistan was an important trade partner of Bulgaria in Central Asia. Simeonov pointed out that BCCI could also cooperate with the CCI of Uzbekistan in the field of commercial disputes resolutions, emphasizing on the advantages of arbitration proceedings.

The parties discussed the issue of bringing workforce to Bulgaria, having in mind Uzbekistan had specialized center for selecting and sending specialists abroad, mainly in the fields of tourism and agriculture.

Anther topic of the meeting was the upcoming formation of a joint intergovernmental commission, as well as the possibilities of participating with national stands in international exhibitions in both countries.