
BCCI Delegation in China: a Rich Business Programme Packed with Meetings in Fuzhou, Xiamen and Beijing

The two-week visit of the BCCI Delegation to China is well underway. After the seminar, held in the town of Fuzhou on the topic of "The Conception of China", and the lectures, focusing on the economic and political system in the Asian country, its cultural heritage and its foreign policy, the Bulgarian Delegation visited the CEEPOWER Company - a world leader in providing solutions for smart electrical networks. The Company showroom displayed the different solutions and products with application in the smart networks, railway and subway transport, power supply systems and solutions for photovoltaic production, also connected with batteries for storing such energy. There was a brief discussion, too, about the Company's product and technical expertise.

The Delegation’s Programme continued with a visit to the town of Xiamen and participation in the 24th  edition of the International Fair for Investments and Trade /CIFIT/ and in the International Investment Forum 2024. The event was attended by representatives of the Chinese government, chambers of commerce, investment agencies, etc. Emphasis was put on recovering the supply chains, promoting the investments, on the financial openness and on cooperation.

During the Xiamen exhibition, special meetings were held by the representatives of the Bulgarian Investment Agency, the Bulgarian Development Bank, the Fund of Funds and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. BCCI President Tsvetan Simeonov visited pavilions and stands of partner organisations.

In Beijing, the BCCI Delegation participated in the meeting at the Embassy of Bulgaria. H.E. Andrey Tehov shared that this year is particularly important for the relations between the two countries, since it marks the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and China.

The 14+1 and One Belt, One Road initiatives were discussed; the Bulgarian position is aimed at the search for the definite results from the participation in these initiatives. The willingness for cooperation is in place, there is also political support. Ambassador Tehov shared that Bulgaria has two representation locations in China - the Embassy and Office for Trade and Economic Affairs /OTEA/ in Beijing and the General Consulate in Shanghai. He underlined that it is important to know that economic opportunities are created not only in the capital but also regionally.

In addition, some problems were identified, the main one of which is the trade imbalance. Almost all EU countries meet this challenge. The frequent change of governments has a certain impact, but the visits to China open doors for Bulgaria. The latest data show that in the 14+1 initiative, Bulgaria takes first place in the trade in agricultural products. We have potential in mechanical engineering, infrastructural projects and various trade niches - such as essential oils /e.g., rose oil/.

The President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tsvetan Simeonov thanked for the warm welcome at the Embassy and made a brief overview of the Chamber's relationships with partners in China. He noted the positive development in organising training seminars for Bulgarian business representatives in China, starting with sending single participants and reaching over 30 trainees. A very important detail is that this year the Delegation is composed of specially selected representatives of different sectors, as well as representatives of institutions. The plans for next year focus on specific economic sectors of bilateral interest.

The participants in the meeting had the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their views on the bilateral relationships. There was also a short question-and-answer session on the opportunities for cooperation in the renewable energy sector, the export of Bulgarian wine, collaboration in agriculture and in the food and drink industry.

The Delegation, which now stays in China for a second week, visited the exhibition centre of the leading Chinese company, called Huawei, and got acquainted with its R&D centre in Beijing. The projects of Huawei Technologies in Bulgaria were presented.

The visit is already coming to an end and will finish with a visit to cultural places of interest such as the Forbidden Town and the Great Chinese Wall. Please, look forward to the summarised information on the results from the training and the meetings held by the participants.