
Success story of good practices and knowledge exchanged under the Erasmus program for young entrepreneurs

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, being an intermediary organization under the Erasmus program for young entrepreneurs , supported the successful 3-month exchange program between the young entrepreneur Denislav Ivanov from Bulgaria and the experienced entrepreneur from Italy - Ilaria D'Anna.

Denislav is an ambitious young entrepreneur in the process of creating a sports organization that focuses on wheelchair basketball for disabled people. The mission of the organization is to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to engage in collective adapted sports with coaches trained abroad with modern methods and techniques.

Ilaria, the host, is the president of Reggio BIC , an Italian wheelchair basketball club. As an experienced entrepreneur, she is enthusiastic about spreading her positive experience to people all over Europe, sharing knowledge, competences and good practices for including people with disabilities in sports activities.

The exchange program (Denislav and Ilaria) was aimed at enhancing the collaboration in the field of social media and communication, fundraising, partnership activities and the improvement of teamwork opportunities.

In the framework of just 3 months these two entrepreneurs had the chance to improve their organizational management skills as well as their team building skills. They were concentrated on presenting in different media platforms and gained insight into new marketing strategies. They developed new opportunities and strategies for fundraising, enhancing their prospects and activities.

You can find more information about the cooperation between Denislav and Ilaria in the brief presentation on the program's website.

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, funding young entrepreneurs, provides opportunities for exchange for 45 countries. Every partnership that the BCCI supports under the program /13 exchange programs so far and 32 upcoming in the next 3 years/ benefits both the young and the experienced entrepreneur. Anyone with a business plan and entrepreneurial experience of less than 3 years is considered a young entrepreneur.

If you wish to take part in the "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" program as young or experienced entrepreneur, please contact the "International Cooperation and International Organizations" Directorate at BCCI at: m.markova@bcci.bg or at: 02 8117 494, 8117 489.