Nr. 18 (413), 08-05-2020
Weekly Bulletin
ISSN 1314-5339



Assessment report on the impact of COVID-19 on Sofia's economy

The Assessment Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on Sofia's Economy was developed by the Digitisation, Innovation and Economic Development Department of Sofia Municipality (Innovative Sofia) and the Sofia Municipal Privatisation and Investment Agency (Invest Sofia) with the support of the Institute for Market Economics (IME), Sofia Tourism Administration, the Bulgarian Convention Bureau, Automotive Cluster Bulgaria, the Bulgarian E-Commerce Association, the Culture Directorate of Sofia Municipality, the Association for Innovation, Business Excellence, Services and Technology (AIBEST) and representatives of the business ecosystem in the city. 
The aim of the Report is to:
• Provide the representatives of the local business ecosystem and a wider range of stakeholders with accessible information and preliminary assessment of the expected impact of COVID-19 across various industries at a global, national and city level 
• Identify potential threats and opportunities to the local ecosystem
• Start a dialogue and a collaboration between the city, the local businesses, various associations and a wider network of stakeholders in order to define measures to support the economic recovery of the city
• Serve as a first step towards the creation of a real-time mechanism to monitor the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the local economy.  
Read more HERE
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Assessment report on the impact of COVID-19 on Sofia's economy
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