
A roundtable on public-private partnerships in Bulgaria was held in Sofia

Representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, financial and economic experts and business representatives took part in the international round table “Public-Private Partnerships in Bulgaria” held in Sofia and organised by the Delphi Economic Forum.

The round table was attended by the Minister of Finance Asen Vassilev, the Minister of Economy and Industry Bogdan Bogdanov, the founder and president of the Delphi Economic Forum Symeon Tsomokos, diplomats, business representatives and local authorities.

The second part of the event focused on the concept of energy communities and the Greek legal framework as an example of good practices applicable in Bulgaria.

The Bulgarian Deputy Energy Minister Iva Petrova gave a speech in the panel “Energy Communities Concept - the Greek legal framework as good practice for Bulgaria”. Iva Petrova underlined that the development of Energy Communities would lead to a significant increase in consumption of self-produced renewable energy. Of importance is to create the appropriate conditions for end-users, in particular households, to participate in renewable energy communities and be able to produce, consume, store or sell renewable energy. In her view, this would stimulate decentralized renewable energy production.

The Delphi Economic Forum is an event platform committed to providing and promoting innovative ideas for sustainable growth for Greece and the wider region. Sofia is a frequent host of the regional economic meetings organised by the Delphi Forum. In June this year, our city became the meeting place for the most influential Bulgarian and international political and corporate leaders to address the pressing challenges facing Europe and the world in the context of the geopolitical environment, the energy transition in the region, foreign investment in our countries, the circular economy, tourism in the region and much more.