On March 14, a regular annual meeting of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held.
The Managing Board adopted the Report on the Chamber's activities in 2024, the Annual Financial Report of the BCCI for 2024, the Opinion of the Control Board on the report of the Executive Bureau of BCCI for 2024 and the Report on the activities of the Control Board in 2024.
In 2024, the Chamber prepared 78 opinions, proposals, declarations on legal and regulatory acts - independently and within the framework of the Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations. The effectiveness regarding the degree of fully or partially accepted BCCI proposals is 85%. Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the Chamber, important problems related to the economic and financial conditions in the country, reduction of the administrative burden and facilitation of business were resolved. Regulatory changes were adopted in connection with the implementation of measures to support business entities, increased prices for electricity and gas supplies, high levels of inflation and the war in Ukraine.
By a Decision of the Council of Ministers, the BCCI was again recognized as a representative organization of employers at the national level with a 4-year mandate.
The reported results indicate an increase in the number of launched and implemented projects, seminars, trainings and consultations. Under the project "Safe and Healthy Working Conditions - BZUT" 45 trainings on risk prevention for healthy and safe work were conducted with 1165 participants - representatives of SMEs, regional chambers, industry organizations, local bodies of the BCCI.
The Chamber prepared 42 international forums, held 106 meetings with representatives of related international and Bulgarian organizations, 68 meetings with ambassadors and trade representatives of foreign countries accredited to Bulgaria and representatives of Bulgarian diplomats accredited abroad.
Over 22 thousand foreign trade documents were certified, 20 516 certificates of origin were issued and 843 trade representations of foreign persons were newly registered.
More data on the achievements in 2024 - in the Report here.
The members of the Board of Directors highly appreciated the activities and implementation of the plans, priorities and financial results of the Chamber last year.
To implement the upcoming goals and tasks, a Program for the Activity in 2025 was approved - an open document for supplementation and updating in accordance with the interests of business and the economic agenda of the country. A financial plan of account for the implementation of the Program was also approved, regardless of the complex economic situation in the country.