Expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) amounted to BGN 1,074 million in 2021, which is an increase by 4.9% from a year earlier, the National Statistical Institute said on Monday.
R&D intensity (R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP) stood at 0.77%, which is 0.08 points lower than in 2020.
R&D expenditure in the business enterprise sector accounted for 65.8% of the total such expenditure in 2021, followed by the government sector with a share of 27.1%. The share of spending on R&D by tertiary schools and university hospitals amounted to 6.5%, and by non-profit organizations, to 0.6 per cent of the total R&D expenditure.
Last year's R&D activity was financed from the state budget, businesses, other national sources and foreign sources. The largest share of R&D funds came from foreign sources, 40.1%. The business enterprise sector accounted for 32.9% of financing for R&D activity, followed by the state budget - 26.1%.
In the structure of R&D expenditure by fields of science, the highest share in 2021 belonged to R&D expenditure in technical sciences - 51.5%, followed by medical and health sciences with a share of 19.2%, and natural sciences - 17.4%.
In 2021, R&D personnel numbered 25,122, down by 3.7% from 2020. The share of women in total R&D personnel was 47.5%.