Over BGN 13 mio will be provided for 172 projects of municipalities under Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity" (OPAC). These are the approved projects on the "big-small procedure" for the municipal administrations under sub-priority 2.2 "Competent and Efficient State Administration", budget line BG051PO002/ 12/ 2.2-07. Their aim is enhancing the qualification of the employees at local level for providing better service to citizens and businesses.
For two months only - from 4. December 2012 to 4. February 2013 the Assessment Committee managed to review and assess 197 submitted project proposals, as the contracts are expected to be concluded in March. The projects' worth shall be from BGN 20,000 to BGN 90,000. In this way the most of them may be implemented in a very simplified and fast manner of contractors' selection. The term for implementation of the projects' activities is 12 months.
The list of the approved projects is published on the site of the programme http://www.opac.government.bg/en/home