
EC approves new geographical indication from Bulgaria for Bulgarian yogurt

The European Commission announced on 25 July approving the addition of Bulgarsko kiselo mlуako, or Bulgarian Soured Milk, as Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)  from Bulgaria. It is a soured milk product made from raw milk obtained from sheep, cows, buffalos, goats or a mixture thereof produced in Bulgaria, and a symbiotic starter from the bacteria Lactobacillicus delbrueckii ssp.bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus not subjected to genetic modification.

It is characterised by a specific fresh, lactic acid flavour and aroma, which is due to 34 types of aromatic substances resulting from the fermentation of the milk by the combined action of the two bacteria.

This new denomination will be added to the list of 1,641 agricultural products already protected.