Nr. 27 (323), 13-07-2018
Weekly Bulletin
ISSN 1314-5339



Business delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan visited BCCI

“The Bulgarian business is interested in working with Uzbekistan”, the Secretary General of BCCI Vasil Todorov said during a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Mr. Nodir Otajonov, who is in Bulgaria on a working visit accompanied by a business delegation.

Todorov pointed out BCCI’s excellent cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan as a result of which a series of visits and meetings have been held and useful information for businesses from both countries has been exchanged. He said that the review of the bilateral economic relations shows increased interest for cooperation in the following sectors: construction, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, machinery for the food industry, hoisting and hauling equipment, agriculture, tourism, etc. In order to further expand the cooperation between the two countries, a Bulgarian – Uzbek Business Council was established at BCCI at the end of 2017.

Deputy Prime Minister Otajonov presented the opportunities for business cooperation with the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is a country with intensive economic and demographic growth and has excellent potential in various sectors.

The Deputy Executive Director of Invest Bulgaria Agency Ms. Madzhide Ahmedova also took part in the meeting.

Investment conditions in Uzbekistan were presented by the Head of the State Committee for Investments – S. Ahmedov. The Head of the Agency for Development of Pharmaceutical Industry of Uzbekistan – K. Shadibekov made a presentation on the pharmaceutical sector in the country.

Representatives of Bulgarian business also took part in the meeting and made specific proposals for realisation of Bulgarian goods and services on the Uzbek market.

During the meeting it was agreed that the two countries will subsequently exchange business delegations, and in 2019 a session of the Intergovernmental Bulgarian – Uzbek Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation will be held in Sofia to continue the discussion.



Presentation of the Deputy Executive Director of Invest Bulgaria Agency

Presentation of the Head of the Agency for Development of Pharmaceutical Industry of Uzbekistan

Business delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan visited BCCI
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