
Bulgarian-Greek Business Forum will Take Place at BCCI in Early October

Sophia Kounenaki-Efraimoglou, President of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, visited BCCI and, together with the President of the Chamber Tsvetan Simeonov, discussed the preparation of a forthcoming Bulgarian-Greek Business Forum. Dimitrios Michas, Minister Plenipotentiary for Economic & Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of Greece in Sofia, also participated in the meeting.

The initiative is a continuation of the Memorandum of Cooperation, signed last year between BCCI and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry and aimed at  developing the bilateral trade and economic relationships.

Mr Simeonov said that Greece is an important trading partner for Bulgaria and the organisation of joint events between the two Chambers will foster the business ties between the neighbouring countries. "We highly appreciate the efforts of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the practical steps we have taken to make the joint cooperation a reality," he further noted.

During the meeting, the process of preparation of a bilateral business Forum Bulgaria - Greece, which will be held on 3 October this year at BCCI, was also discussed. Sofia Efraimoglou informed that up to now, 20 companies from Greece have shown interest in participaton; they are from the following sectors: renewable energy, agriculture, food and drink industry, plastic production, hotels and real estate, the medical and health sector, etc.