
Intensification of the partnership with Taiwan

At the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a working meeting was held between Vasil Todorov, Secretary General of the Chamber and Charles Tseng, Director of the Economic Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara, Turkey. Shane Tsai, Director of the Taiwan Trade Center (TAITRA) in Sofia, also took part in the meeting.

The guests emphasized the good partnership between various Taiwanese organizations and the BCCI. Vasil Todorov clarified that BCCI’s partnership with TAITRA and the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA) dates back to 1990 and 2007, respectively, and as a result many joint initiatives have been organized. Charles Tseng suggested virtual meetings to be organized between BCCI and CIECA in the autumn of this year in order to continue the cooperation that was interrupted during the pandemic.

The following sectors of mutual interest were identified: automotive industry - spare parts, mechanical engineering, IT, electronics and electrical engineering, agriculture, light industry.

Vasil Todorov acquainted Charles Tseng with the main activity of the BCCI and emphasized the services it provides to companies for the development of their foreign trade activity. He explained the Chamber’s working model as a business and employers’ organization.