
Presentation of opportunities for business and investment between Bulgaria and Taiwan at BCCI

Guest of the traditional monthly meeting of the Council of Branch Organizations at the BCCI was Shane Tsai, the newly appointed Director of Taiwan Trade Center - Sofia (TAITRA).

The President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov pointed out that the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and TAITRA have a long standing and fruitful cooperation, which Mr. Tsai can build on and further develop during his term of office.

In his presentation, Shane Tsai presented Taiwan as a business destination and a key business partner in the region. Emphasis was placed on the most developed sectors in the country and Taiwan's competitive advantages, some of the largest exhibitions and their digital business platform. The services that TAITRA offers to companies with an interest in the Eastern market were also mentioned. The main bilateral cooperation is in the field of healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT), automation and electronics, bicycle production, etc.

Vladimir Tomov, Chairman of the Investment Council at the BCCI, presented the services, the structure and the members of the Council, paying special attention to the offered financial products, as well as the cooperation for strategic development of SMEs and innovative companies with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

At the end of the meeting, Maria Shapkarova acquainted the guests with the services of the Enterprise Europe Network, the world’s largest business support network. She presented the Accsess2Markets platform, as well as some current opportunities to support business in terms of innovation, intellectual property protection, opportunities for financing projects in the field of green industry and technology.