Nr. 23 (418), 12-06-2020
Weekly Bulletin
ISSN 1314-5339



EUROCHAMBRES Plenary Assembly: Quick decisions for a quick recovery!

EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit officially opened the 127th Plenary Assembly of the Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry “EUROCHAMRES”. The event was held online with the participation of more than 35 presidents of the chambers of commerce and industry, members of the Association. BCCI was represented by the President of the Chamber Tsvetan Simeonov.

Commissioner Schmit said that a very serious crisis is expected, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which will cause a drop by over 7% of EU’s GDP, while unemployment will reach 9% in 2020. He drew attention to youth unemployment, dual training and re-qualification of employees.

EUROCHAMBRES President, Christoph Leitl, expressed his support for the swift and ambitious response of the European Commission to the COVID-19 crisis and for the major recovery plan proposed on 27 May.

EUROCHAMBRES is pleased with the European Commission‘s proposal for a recovery plan and welcomes the fact that the EU is acting quickly. The Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry calls on the Council to take concrete decisions on 17 June and to accelerate the process so that the crisis can soon be overcome and the budget is clear.

EUROCHAMBRES welcomes the solidarity among the members of the EU and is pleased that there is a compromise that will drive forward the single market, which is key to the recovery.

EUROCHAMBRES and the Chamber network are supporting European businesses to return swiftly to former levels of success and believe that hope and new energy will soon overcome anxiety.

Ben Butters, the newly-elected Secretary General of the Association, presented its activity by committees, the measures taken so far, and the upcoming initiatives of EUROCHAMBRES.

At the end of the meeting, the President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov thanked the current Secretary General of EUROCHAMBRES Arnaldo Abruzzini for his work. The Executive Council of BCCI has decided to present Mr. Abruzzini with an Honorary Diploma and a Plaque for his active collaboration with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and for his contribution to the development of an effective and long-standing cooperation between BCCI and the Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry during his term of office. In this regard, Arnaldo Abruzzini addressed Tsvetan Simeonov:  „I want to personally thank you for the nice words you have spent on me during the last General Assembly. Additionally I am very honoured that the Board of the Bulgarian Chambers have decided to award me. It makes me proud. Thanks again and I hope to remain in contact with you in the next page of my book of live“.


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