
BCCI took part in the presentation of the latest report of the World Bank - "The Future of Work: Impact on European Growth"

The technological changes of nowadays created two of the current confrontations for the member states of the European Union (EU): (1) market concentration growth, with a few large and innovative firms accumulating the benefits of technological progress, and (2) gaps in the earnings between the highly educated and other workers.

In this context, the report is targeting our understanding of the relationship between technology, economic growth and equity by analyzing the technological patterns adopted by the different companies and the achievements of workers from different educational groups in the EU. The report is also focused on different policy options for promotion of technology advancements and the transformation of educational systems to ensure that workers can adapt to the fast changes in the technological environment. Analyzing the way technology is perceived and the response of the skill-development systems will shape the future relationship between technological progress, economic growth and income distribution in Europe.

The big challenges facing the future of labor concern the demographic trend, the lack of professionally trained personnel, as well as the technological advancement. The final report is expected to be published in September 2023, the themes reflecting the work and priorities of the Economic and Social Council with recommendations and proposals, including Bulgaria, on improvement and utilization of the activities related to the challenges mentioned above and the way ahead to technological and educational development.

The forum was attended by Zornitsa Rusinova, chairman of the Economic and Social Council, Galina Vincelete, director of the World Bank, representatives from EU countries. The main findings of the report were presented by Rafael de Hoyos, Lead Economist and Program Manager, World Bank.

The discussion sessions included:

  • How to stimulate the development of technologies in Bulgaria? Nicolò Dalvit, Economist, World Bank
  • How to reform VET systems to ensure universal basic skills? Iván Torre,  Senior Economist, World Bank