
BCCI signed a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with "Industrial Park - Sliven" EOOD

The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tsvetan Simeonov hosted a meeting with the representatives of "Industrial Park - Sliven" EOOD Solomon Moscona, Manager of the company, Maria Paspaldzhieva, Director of "International Cooperation and Investments" department of the Park and Stoyan Markov, Deputy- Mayor of Sliven Municipality. Simeonov acquainted the officials of company and municipality with the activities of the Chamber and the work of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI.

The meeting was concluded with an Agreement under which the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, being a Party, shall cooperate with "Industrial Park - Sliven" EOOD in the search for investors and the development of joint projects and provide the enterprise with the opportunity to manifest their capacities before Bulgarian and foreign investors during the business forums organized or co-organized by the Chamber.

"Industrial Park - Sliven" is one of the largest industrial development projects on the territory of Bulgaria and listed as the third largest park in the Industrial Parks Register. With a total area of 2684 acres, the park is 100% private municipal property and represents an urbanized territory under a detailed spatial plan (DSP).

"Industrial Park - Sliven" will give investors access to 160,400 people skilled labour force of working age, living withing 45 minutes commuting distance.

The unique availability of the park transport system provides connection with road II-53 from the republican road network along the Sliven-Yambol road, direct access to "Trakia" highway (17 km), the possibility (agreed with National Company Railway Infrastructure) of building a railway terminal in the park, and a reserved aircraft parking with a 2.5 km runway for large transport aircraft.

The park is divided into 17 districts located in 4 zones: "Zone "North", area 452 acres; "Southeast Zone", area 533 acres; "Southwest Zone", area 38 acres; "Airport and Motorway Area" with a total area of 1,660 acres.

Development of the park is envisaged to begin with the construction of  "Zone North" (area 452 acres).

The available technical projects shall allow development of the main engineering and technical infrastructure. Additionally, there are projects for the internal infrastructure of "Zone North", which guarantee access to each district and provide electricity, drinking and production facilities water, sewage, gas supply, internal road infrastructure and construction of optical electronic communication networks.