The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation (NCTC) supported the extension of the measure 60 to 40 by the end of the year.
The measure has a new design and provides compensation for the business according to the decline in its turnover.
For companies with a decrease of 30% the compensation will be 50%, and for those with a decrease of 40% the aid will be 60%.
The budget of the measure is BGN 250 million. The companies can apply for compensations for August and September until the end of this month.
The social partners also supported the extension of the "Keep me +" measure. It will run until the middle of next year.
Employees from businesses closed by an act of a state body due to the epidemic and only insured can apply for it. The budget is BGN 100 million. It is estimated that about 66,000 people will be supported.
The government voted the changes approved by the NCTS.