Meeting of the EU Club at BCCI on the occasion of the assumption of the Presidency of the Council of the EU by the Republic of Finland

Enterprise Europe Network at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted the traditional meeting of the EU Club to discuss the achievements of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU and its assumption by the Republic of Finland.

The event was officially launched by the President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov, who said that “In order to have a better economic environment, the citizens of the European Union need to be more active” and assessed the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy as unsuccessful for the business.

The Ambassador of Romania to Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Ion GÂLEA presented the results achieved during the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. He emphasized some of the more important achievements, including the holding of more than 1800 meetings, the signing of 90 political agreements, 87 Council conclusions, 90 trilateral agreements, and 98 signed legislative acts.

The meeting continued with a presentation by the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland H.E. Ms. Päivi BLINNIKKA, who introduced the participants to the priorities of the Finland’s Presidency: strengthening common values and the rule of law, making the EU more competitive and socially inclusive, strengthening the EU’s position as a global leader in climate action, and protecting the security of citizens comprehensively. Finland’s third EU Presidency period began on 1 July. The new presidency is committed to taking serious measures to respond to climate change through reuse of resources and reduction of the emissions from air travel and  greenhouse gas emissions. The video presenting Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the EU is available HERE.

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